Major Taylor Mountain Summit
Major Taylor Cycling Club of Columbus Ohio
The four-decade-old cycling club was looking for a way to recapture the event it has held for decades. Attendance had been steadily growing, and the club was looking for a way to provide a better experience while addressing the needs of an ever-growing audience.
Clubs come from all over the US to attend this event. It had developed a loyal following and now this years event had a story to be told.
The event needed a robust and distinctive brand consisting of a clear, bold logo, color and a robust type system. It also required a website that would describe the event while offering online event and lodging registration. As the summit is annual, a series of email blasts could serve as reminders for schedule changes and updates.
Cycling events such as this need specialized kits or cycling outfits. The Summit is no exception, so BC created a custom-designed set of cycling clothes specifically for this year’s event.
The event continues to grow and attract clubs in more significant numbers. Sales of the kits also expand annually as well.
Services Utilized:
Web Strategy
Contact 1
226 East State
Columbus, Ohio
Contact 2
614 284 5337
Contact 3
Contact 4