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Pension Financial Services

PFS logo additions

Below are the results of the study of adding elements to the logo.
We’ve added a fifth circle, representing the CEFEX Certification in a variety of formats and in two colors.  As always, each can be altered or reviewed as needed.

To see the options, simply click on the main image and toggle through
using the arrows on either side.

PFS401K graphic standards


Last edited Thursday, Oct 29, 2020

You can download a copy for your files by following this link. revised site map

Final version

Click on the map to go to the PFS DEVELOPMENT SITE

Last edited Thursday, Dec 17, 2020

Information Graphic #1

About PFS

Last edited Thursday, Oct 29, 2020

Information Graphic #2

Services – Fiduciary 3(16) Service

Static image

Proposed slider

Information Graphic #3

Services – Government Reporting

Static image

Proposed slider

Information Graphic #4

PFS Process Graphic #1

Static image

Proposed slider

Information Graphic #5

Year End Planning #1

Static image

Proposed slider

Information Graphic #6

Annual Compliance Testing

Static image

Proposed slider

Information Graphic #7

Plan Design at PFS

Static image

Proposed slider

Information Graphic #8

Plan Administration at PFS

Static image

Proposed slider

Information Graphic #9

PFS Partners

Static image

Proposed slider

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